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12 km
3 km
3-hr Precipitation and wind
6-hr Precipitation
12-hr Precipitation
Freezing level + Precipitation
6-hr Accumulated snow
Total cloud cover
Cloud types
Mean sea level pressure
2m Temperature
500 hPa Temperature and gpt
850 hPa Temperature and gpt
Wind at 10 m
Wind gusts
Humidity and wind at 2 m
Humidity and wind at 500 hPa
Humidity and wind at 700 hPa
Humidity and wind at 850 hPa
Humidity and wind at 925 hPa
Vorticity and wind at 500 hPa
Jet and wind at 300 hPa
Tropopause hgt + Jet + wind
Total Totals and Sweat Index
K index and gpt at 500 hPa
Lifted index and gpt at 500 hPa
Delta ThetaE and Jet
Precipitable water
Area: Italia - Precipitazione cumulata nelle 6 ore precedenti